About Me

Who Am I? Family of 3 adults plus 1 pet kitty on 1 income trying to live like I have an unlimited budget & I have to STOP!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Dollar Store Deals

I started off my day trying to figure out what place was the cheapest for the items I needed for my recipe/menu plan.
First Issue- I was not sure if the dollar store would have all the items I needed since I couldn't remember what day new produce & dairy arrives. Guess what it was today so that helped me with a few things I needed...


5 containers of crimini mushrooms for a $1.00 per container to use in various recipes that I have planned this week...

3 boxes of Land o Lake half and half $1.00 each ...:O) good until March I use 1 a week now in my steel cut oats I eat for breakfast...


1 bag of brown rice I wanted to try eating this (I don't like how dry it gets)

1 can of apple pie filling - Homemade Apple Pockets ( I have crusts in freezer)

2 different cans of olives- never tried either brand but I haven't had olives in awhile so

2 container of chicken broth for emergency use

Not in picture-forgot to place in the photo 2 huge bags of pre-shredded carrots :O)

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