About Me

Who Am I? Family of 3 adults plus 1 pet kitty on 1 income trying to live like I have an unlimited budget & I have to STOP!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Beginning Tips to Once a Month Cooking.

These are the tips I found that helped me.
  1. Get a blank calendar (under my file share I post a quick one that you can use)
  2. Do a food inventory of all food in the house and there locate ( freezer, 1 st cabinet etc ) this will help you use up food you already have first as you plan the other meals.
  3. Decide what meals your family likes to eat that you can freeze. (7-10 recipes) Examples : Tacos, Lasagna, Hamburgers, Meatloaf, Baked Ziti, etc
  4. Then create a shopping list that works for you. (Mine I break down Wal-Mart and Dollar Store I go to Wal-Mart first then to the Dollar Store I pretty much purchase the same items every shopping trip so I have that worked out.)
  5. Pick a day to go shopping by your self, then set your prep day next then your cook day with no family in the way just you baking and dinner being ordered.
  6. The first time I did this I only used a Toaster oven, Crockpot, Skillet, Food Processor so you can do it better and quicker then I did .
  7. Figure out which recipe you may need to cook in the crockpot ( 10 chicken breast for 4 meals using shredded chicken)
  8. Review some of the websites I have listed hit the local Libraries for books
  9. Variety so we decide the night before what meal will be thawed the for dinner the next day
  10. You will also stretch your budget some if you decide once a week to eat out you will still have 4 meals extra :) or if you planned to have Taco's and went to your friends BBQ now you have an extra meal.
  11. See Sample Menu this may assist you understanding (under my file share)
  12. Don't stress when your first meal plan goes haywire or a meal you planned didn't work as planned trial and error that is why do meals you like and know and maybe 1 meal a week can be a New Recipe Trial & Error Night not 7 nights of that.:)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, this is DetectiveL from AR. I'm here because you answered my question about AR members with other blogs. :)

    I am on maternity leave now but when I go back to work I want to try OAMC.
