About Me

Who Am I? Family of 3 adults plus 1 pet kitty on 1 income trying to live like I have an unlimited budget & I have to STOP!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Budget Update Idea

I have decide to try couponing. 
You ask why? 
Too much work?
Now will it work for me I am not sure?
  • I decided to cut the coupons from Sunday papers 
  • Then  down loaded free printable coupons from the manufactors for savings online as well.
  • Organized got a 3 ring binder with 9 pocket trading cards sleeves divide them into catagories with divider tabs.
  • I picked up the store ads for this week it was cheaper then to buy the wedneday paper which was 75 cents but then decided to ever Sunday go online  to http://www.sundaysaver.com/were I can view them all for FREE!!
  • I need to see if any of the coupons I just sorted I can find on sale in the papers and get ready to shop and save.

  • 1st try to find items on sale that way the coupon saving is more
  • 2nd Use CVS Pharmacy stores as you can earn Extra Bucks( AKA Free $$ ) to purchase more items for FREE!!!

  • I also found a few tips out this past week.

    • Local stores will put food on clearance/markdown prices the day or two before the sale by date is up. 
    • Then if it is labeled sale by say May 5 and today is May 5 they will mark even lower so I have been purchasing this meat for really good prices and freezing or pre-cooking to freeze for meals
    Examples of a few deals I recently got this weeks
    • Large 16 in pizza regular price $8.99 got it for $3.49 saved $5.50
    • 2 packages of 4 pieces Hot ltalian Chicken Sausage  each pack for regular price per package $3.99 got it for $1.50  each saved  2.49
    • 2 Family Packs of Chicken Breast regular price $11.50 got it for $5.95 saved $5.55 per pack

    I also found a cheaper place to purchase my lentils that recently I have been cooking like crazy with for the last month.

    Regular 16 oz package cost $1.00 I can now get them for $.59 cents saved $.41 cents

    My plan for the $$$$$ I save 
    • Place money saved after each trip to store in envelope.
    • Track it for 2 months
    • Use money for special items (Dinner out, rent a video or something)

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