About Me

Who Am I? Family of 3 adults plus 1 pet kitty on 1 income trying to live like I have an unlimited budget & I have to STOP!!!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Zucchini Lasagna

Meatless meal from farmers market ; using items from the freezer as well as some crisper box items all veggies…Started with pulling out 6 container of leftover veggie spaghetti sauce and placed then in pot to thaw on the stove and simmer to defrost ; warm up…

So I got started by getting the oven on 350*F as well making quick work with my mandolin slicer to thinly slice my farmers market find of zucchini. Then I laid it out on plastic wrapped cookie sheets and sprinkled salt all over the strips and let it rest while I prepped all the other items. Pulling from the frig I grabbed some leftover shredded carrots and gave them a rough chop as well as some mini bell peppers and green onions…

When the zucchini had lots of moisture floating on the top approximately 15 mins. I rinse it in a colander then patted it dry and got ready to layer them in a 9 x 5 loaf pan.

Tip #1 best way to cut up green onion is using your kitchen scissors.. So I
layered sauce/zucchini/diced veggies and cheese and they repeated until sauce was on top… 

Then into the oven for 1 hour…Looked great all nice a bubbly however they zucchini was still bite tender vs soft and squishy however it was really good…I ate a huge piece and see lots more of this in my future for dinner.. But the best part was my very picky eater ate all the zucchini noodles :O)

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