About Me

Who Am I? Family of 3 adults plus 1 pet kitty on 1 income trying to live like I have an unlimited budget & I have to STOP!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Pickled Jalapenos!!!!!

A few weeks back I was at the local store and was looking at the price for a small jar 6oz of pickled jalapenos and the price $1.99. I thought for 6oz Holy Crap that is expensive even for a 4 oz jar of them was $1.29 Really!!! I should be able to make them myself how hard can it really be?? 
So off to the net I went when I got home....Lots of different recipes some w/ garlic /some with oregano and even some that used OIL... I found the type I wanted simple and with out oil....

I made my first batch of Pickled Jalapenos using some leftover Jalapenos I had after I made homemade salsa verde to freeze for later use..With the Recipe in hand off I went to make a batch..Got it done and placed them in the frig and a few days later I gave them a try SUPER HOT as in spicy....So I decided to remove the seeds and see if that cut the spicy down some & sure enough it was perfect then. 
I ate the first batch very quickly on chicken salads and knew I would have to make another batch asap....So this week I saw that the local store had jalapenos on sale for 3 pounds for $1.00 SCORE!!! so today I made a large batch 3 pounds will yield almost 3 large mason jars....this should last a few days just kidding...


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