I know if you search the net you can find just about anything ya want.. Well after searching high and low I found it...YIPPIE...and I am calling it Exercise for Real People not barbie and her friends but really people like me who are overweight--aka FAT and want to find a place but don't know where to start losing weight but sometimes you don't want others to know plus gym membership for some people including me is costly mine is $20 per month and it's not affordable to everyone so this will work to get you started & then get you up and out of the house!!! The local park is FREE!! and so is your local neighbor hood.
Back to what I found you-tube video series that is awesome!!! 2nd it's free and yes you can do it!!! I have been doing 7 days a week exercise for months now... (when I started I could only lift say around 5-10 pounds and maybe do like 10 reps) depending on the machine work out now I am up to 40 pound and 20 plus reps and I am not seeing what I want in results or aka feeling it in my muscles anymore so I wanted to switch up my routine and try something else/new...
I few weeks ago I was checking this video out and thought wow great well yesterday I tried a few of the ideas (routine) I could remember on the fly at the gym well let me tell you it looked easy on the video but I found out it was hard for me so I only did 12 reps to start each exercise set but I made it through and guess what I am sore today yippie this means it works those muscle for sure!!! So I am adding the whole routine to my work out every other day to allow rest days...keep ya posted...
clicked on video, added it to my must keep, watch and do list. Thanks