About Me

Who Am I? Family of 3 adults plus 1 pet kitty on 1 income trying to live like I have an unlimited budget & I have to STOP!!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Yogurt Cubes

I had been surfing the net and came across frozen yogurt drops/dots as well as mini ice cube idea for smoothie making with out WASTING Yogurt..My total for 10 bags smoothies less then $7 plus I had extra berries left for eating.

I found some discounted Dannon Simple Natural Yogurt on markdown sale price was $1.99/50 % off plus more yogurt at home to do this plan.

I picked these mini cube trays up at the store a few weeks ago 3 for $1.00 and had them ready & washed..I filled them up each side held one (4 oz container).

I also places plastic wrap over then since I am unable to stack them (they don't stack (should have checked that) plus to keep freezer tastes/smells out of them too :O)into the freezer they went to freeze.

 I also took fresh berries (Price $3.48/4 pounds) I diced for the smoothies and froze those in sandwich bags.

When the Yogurt was frozen (7) cubes each placed into each bag of strawberries just perfect to whip up a smoothie to go quickly.. plus I can get all these items on sale and save even more.

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